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Hilton Kramer

Secrets of the Whitney Biennial: 1979

by Corinna Kirsch on February 28, 2014
Thumbnail image for Secrets of the Whitney Biennial: 1979

First bit of trivia: Art was for sale at the 1979 Whitney Biennial.

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Suddenly, Everyone’s Got an Opinion on Hilton Kramer

by Corinna Kirsch on March 28, 2012
Thumbnail image for Suddenly, Everyone’s Got an Opinion on Hilton Kramer

Art critic Hilton Kramer died yesterday, and the responses to his death have been as polemic as his writing. A member of the old guard, Kramer was a modernist who tried, but failed, to grasp important trends in contemporary art; he also successfully identified many of its weaknesses. We admire his strong, provocative voice and fearless finger-wagging at bad taste. His assertion that defining Abstract Expressionism in terms of the artist’s psychological state turned everything to shit and replaced aesthetics with biography (we’re paraphrasing) still rings true.

In hopes of giving the late critic a well-rounded portrait, we've provided links to these essays and our own commentary below:

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