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Diane Keaton

Somebody’s Selling Reagan Blood, Because Apparently Somebody Wants Reagan Blood

by Whitney Kimball on May 24, 2012

There’s a line in the movie Manhattan where Woody Allen and Diane Keaton are discussing a Castelli show. You don’t see the work, but it goes kinda like this: “You liked the plexiglass sculpture? How about the steel box?” “The steel box was wonderful, it had a marvelous negative capability. The rest of the stuff downstairs was bullshit.” Josiah Mcelheny’s, Some thoughts about the abstract body, is kind of what you’d imagine that show to look like. [Andrea Rosen]

The Brooklyn Museum has announced a crowd-curated exhibition! September 8-9th, Brooklyn artists will open their studios, and the community will decide what goes in the exhibition. via: Julia Kaganskiy [Go]

Following the T-Rex skeleton sale this week, another auction peddles a vial of Ronald Reagan’s blood, along with Bieber hair and Ally McBeal PJs. The sale of the blood was thwarted by the threat of legal action from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, which then lead the seller to donate the item to the Foundation. [via: Marina Galperina, Corinna Kirsch, Kyle Chayka, Wonkette]

Lance Esplund writes an obit for the Lower Merion Barnes Foundation site. [Bloomberg]

An unmarked Starbucks will pose as a cafe, with wine. [Voice]

The Voice’s new “The People Trying to Ruin The Internet” series is a must-read for people who use the internet. [Voice]

Hundreds of foodies nearly perished on Sunday when stranded for hours in Brooklyn without wine, beer, and snacks at GoogaMooga, the celebrity chef and music fest. They tweeted a wildfire of complaints, and now “ExtraMooga” ticketholders will receive a full refund. The festival apologizes for not having provided extra mooga. [TimeOutNY]

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