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Bad at sports

This Week in Art Podcasts

by Whitney Kimball on June 27, 2012
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What do people talk about when they’re not typing? What does Tyler Green’s voice sound like? This week, I listened to a handful of podcasts to find out.

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Watching the Pot Boil, Part Two: The Instinct to Align Shapes in Art Work

by Paddy Johnson on March 21, 2011
Thumbnail image for Watching the Pot Boil, Part Two: The Instinct to Align Shapes in Art Work

In the course of writing my post for flavorwire Friday on anticipation, I linked to a preview from The Office. The scene is hilarious but also reminded me of another powerful force driving art work: our desire to fit and align shapes.

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Getting Paid: How They Do it In New York

by Paddy Johnson on March 15, 2011
Thumbnail image for Getting Paid: How They Do it In New York

I’ve spent the last two years listening to my father (and accountant) tell me I needed to “diversify my revenue sources”. That’s always sounded a little too close to “get another job” for my liking, but in truth that’s what I’ve been doing for the last two years. I write the same amount, but I speak at more schools, I run more fundraisers, and sell more advertising than I have before.

This all came up when I spoke to Ania Szremski at Fmagazine this month, a writer who wants to know what publishing models could be reproduced in Chicago. I don’t recommend anyone try to do what I do — it isn’t easy financially, and the work load can be intense — but according the article only Bad at Sports is so foolish anyway.

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