ryder ripps November 7, 2011 at 9:24 pm

art at this level in the open market i think is basically the same as any high price commodity on an exchange, to Sotheby’s art handlers are basically the equivalent of an ECN.. and art is basically just cumbersome annoying stock – point being I think at this level its sort of pointless to even consider the business as having to do with “art”.. it should be evaluated as another high grossing business on an “open” exchange.

Reid Singer November 8, 2011 at 4:13 pm

“I think at this level its sort of pointless to even consider the business as having to do with ‘art.’ It should be evaluated as another high grossing business.”

I disagree. For a company like Sotheby’s to fail to appreciate what professional art handlers do betrays a certain contempt towards the art work itself. Even the most business-conscious branches of the art world still understand the value of a work of art that cannot be expressed monetarily. Just look at the mission statement of any decent professional art handling firm’s website: you’ll eventually come across words like “priceless” and “intrinsic value.” It’s flowery language, but it’s not bullshit.

Without getting muddled in a discussion about art-as-commodity, it seems clear that people who make art for a living have a stake in this conflict beyond its status as a mere labor dispute. When art handlers are shut out, artists join them as objects of insult.

ryder ripps November 16, 2011 at 11:35 am

they arent handling our art.

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