Tuesday Links!

by Paddy Johnson on October 11, 2011 Massive Links

  • Kanye West’s golden grill visits #occupywallstreet. Foster Kamer reports. [Observer]
  • Poorer communities not getting nearly the amount of arts funding they need as reported by um, FOX NEWS? [Jesus] [Associated Press]
  • I feel like I’ve read this same Cory Arcangel profile at least five times in different publications. This one comes in advance of his Pro Tools at Lisson Gallery in London. [The Guardian]
  • Why young mothers are choosing to eat their placenta. [NYMag]
  • The Arava Review launches its latest issue, which is full of a lot of great photography and poetry. [The Arava Review]
  • So, in short, London art dealer Jay Joplin comes from money, gets along well with artists and is good at selling art to rich people. Enlightening [The Guardian]
  • Revisited Guthrie Lonergan’s website and was reminded how moving this Acapella piece is in its emptiness. Lonergan explores the banality of the web. [Age of Mammals]
  • No mobile exhibition is complete without kicking unicorns and sausages. Copy and paste this url into your phone to view. http://www.chiarapassa.it/publicart.html [Lorna Mills and Sally McKay]
  • Jean Michel Jarre discovers the zoom function in a video room and applies it to his face. [youtube]
  • Potluck Thursday 8pm at Flux Factory! [Flux Factory]
  • Tomorrow at Pratt University I will be giving a talk that maps my key points career path to online dating websites at Myrtle Hall Room 4E-3 (4th floor – dda lecture hall). 12:45 pm. Please come.


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