Location Suckage Finds Liste Art Fair

by Art Fag City on June 12, 2009 Events

The front entrance of Liste. Photo AFC

Feel like taking a tumble down some steep cement or rickety metal stairs?  Readers who answer yes to this question will likely find Liste right up their alley.  Touting itself as the young fair, Liste’s abandoned school/warehouse location is so treacherous only the most desperate viewers will make it through the entire space.  I’d say that’s a shame on account of the strong galleries exhibiting work, but I’m not convinced the statement would be wholly accurate.  Compelling work was lost in a sea of bad, and mostly, I left wondering why those galleries chose to exhibit at that venue at all.

But this week is upside down world at Basel, and despite adverse conditions (including many recent New York Times articles about the worsening economic strife in America and abroad  – the British bounce not withstanding), collectors are buying.  While this is good news for dealers and artists, I can only hope it doesn’t thwart a search for a new location.  Not to put too fine a point on it, but this one sucks.

A full report on Liste art to follow.

Image via: Yusunkwon

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