Secured Leonard Cohen Art Coverage, and Notable Conversation Threads on Tom Moody’s Blog

by Art Fag City on June 8, 2007 · 2 comments Events

It turns out getting a passport reissued represents a significantly larger time investment than it was last year when Canadian and American citizens didn’t require one to visit each other. As a result I’m currently posting from Canada while trying to rectify the situation. Not that I think you should give a shit about where I’m posting from, but I consider it a means of letting you know that circumstances beyond my control are limiting my posting abilities this week. The good news in all of this of course, lies in the fact that I will now be able to see Leonard Cohen’s early modernist representations of horses in person, and report back to you. Yes, thank God, coverage of that work has been secured.

In other news, Tom Moody has republished my review of New Media artist Cory Arcangel’s exhibition last year, opening the subject up for discussion once more. At the time of its publication my blog did not have comments open, and while I did receive several emails on the subject, I really appreciate the discussion that is currently developing on Moody’s blog. There’s a great variety of opinion expressed so far on the exhibition, and I for one, am learning a lot through the commentors on the thread, (though as Moody notes, we have not yet seen answers to the questions about this exhibition I posed last year.) Also see the thread on Intentional Computing, a Paul B. Davis exhibition at Seventeen Gallery in London, and this additional post on the two discussions.


Magalie June 10, 2007 at 3:09 am

Bring back Lenny! Tell him I need him…

Magalie June 9, 2007 at 11:09 pm

Bring back Lenny! Tell him I need him…

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