If You Build It They Will Come

by Art Fag City on February 27, 2007 Events

The ceiling of the Javits Center. Photo AFC

Why aren’t the New York art fairs in the Javits Center? I can’t vouch for the accuracy of statements made on the Craigslist list discussion boards, but this forum in Boston tells me the Armory had to shut down for two hours (presumably Saturday) due to crowds. Even if this proves not to be the case, the Armory clearly suffered for having a reduced space, and visitors don’t necessarily want to be running all over the city to look at art. New York doesn’t rival Miami, but it might have a fighting chance if it were in a space large enough to accommodate the number of exhibitors wishing to participate. As they say, “If you build it they will come.”…because what we really need in this town are more trophy wives.

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